Now that everyone has had time for politics to exit their system, let me be the one to bring it back up again.
If it’s one thing I hate about society today, it’s the fact that nobody does their research. All it takes is ONE person, who doesn’t even have to be a credible source, to say something and EVERYONE runs with it.
How is it that ALL 7 of the main questions on the Maryland ballot got passed? Did no one do their research? Did no one look up the true outcomes of the Dream Act? Did no one look into how a casino will affect our economy? Did no one step outside of their comfort zone of watching ‘infotainment’ shows reporting on politics to get the REAL facts?!
I recently read a speech by Malcolm X called “Ballot or Bullet” that brought enlightenment onto this years election. Now it’s great, fine and dandy that everyone found a reason to get out and vote but what was your reason? You thought it was so important to vote because everyone said it was going to be a close race and yet was it? Barack Obama won with 332 electoral votes to Romney’s 206. Close Race? I think not.
Malcolm X’s speech talks a lot about the disillusionment in voting. He says, “He made you think you were going somewhere and you end up going nowhere.”
He also says, “They’re going to come in with false promises, and as they make these false promises they’re gonna feed our frustrations and this will only serve to make matters worse.”
Think about it….
As I further my studies in PR, I realize how the media manipulates people in thinking a certain way. Whether it be the presidential election or foreign affairs, Americans think a certain way and it’s not by accident. Mike Lofgren’s, The Party Is Over, talks all about this. I could write a whole spill on politics and how our government cares more about wars and corporations than average working citizens but that’s not the point.
Until we can finally think for ourselves and critically distinguish between truth and fiction, the people in power will forever have more control over us than we do over them. (Democracy => Plutocracy)
Knowledge is power and Americans are losing it… fast.