I woke up today with a set list of things to do. First, wash clothes, second, wash my hair and third get ready for tonight’s class. I accomplished all of those tasks except washing my clothes, something I always push back to the last minute.

Amidst the relaxation of laying in bed all day watching Law & Order SVU reruns, I decided to review my class syllabus. I already knew I had a written assignment due which was to write a two to three paragraph bio about myself. That was fairly easy since I already had one written for my online portfolio.

First homework assignment finished. At least I thought I was finished, assuming that all I had to do was print out my bio and bring it to class with me. Wrong! If I had not double checked the syllabus, I would not have known to email my assignment to my professor before class.

That wasn’t the only time I was wrong tonight either. Once again not fully reading the syllabus, I did not know every week each person was supposed to discuss something current in the news. Well, if I wasn’t smart enough to listen to NPR on the way to school, I would not have known that in the next 10 years space tourism would be a billion dollar industry. That’s current news right?

My professor never called on me. Thank goodness, I was spared the embarrassment. However, I did have to give a brief overview of the DNC and of course introduce myself to the class. Surprisingly, there was another lady in my class who went to the RNC and I couldn’t help but wonder what woman in their right mind would want to go to the Republican National Convention? To each it’s own, I guess.

This Communications Research class is very boring. It’s all about the difference between qualitative and quantitative research, informal versus formal, blah blah blah. If I didn’t have my macbook with me, I would have been forced to stare at my professors less than glamorous or creative power point slides. Sigh, I can tell she’s more traditional and Prezi’s are a no-go.

The interesting thing is that in undergrad professors were opposed to having laptops in class let alone cell phones! But in this class every one is on their phone, tablet or laptop. Now onto this homework for my Media Relations class on Thursday. This one is more complicated and involves an oral presentation. School is definitely in session…

Things I’ve Learned:

  • Not to skim but READ the syllabus!
  • I don’t have to carry around my AP Stylebook because it’s available online.
  • If I’m really desperate for the Ipad, I can check one out from the library for two weeks.
  • There are a lot of passive aggressive people in this world.
  • The city life is always filled with entertainment but there’s nothing like the suburbs.