I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the media put Millenials on blast for being lazy and leeching off of our parents. However, the truth is that it’s because of our forefathers and fore mothers that we are this way.

The parents of Millenials and Generation Y have indeed spoiled us. Yes, they did work hard to provide us with a better life than they had. But that in turn has backfired in many ways. One of them being that we don’t have to do everything ourselves. We can easily call upon our parents to make phone calls and run errands on our behalf.

It’s because of our parents as well that we are trapped in a temporary level of stagnant behavior. I say temporary because hopefully, things will change. However, I say stagnant because we get stuck in entry level jobs for more years than expected.

Let’s face it, people aren’t retiring. They’re working longer which in turn has provided us, up and comers, less opportunities. Don’t get me started on the job application process of today and how most employers expect students to have two to three internships POST graduation just to land the job.

The bar has been set extremely high for people like myself and honestly it’s just not fair. The job market is extremely competitive and we’re getting all the flack for it when it’s not even our faults. 

YOU told us to go to college and get a good education. Yet, you didn’t tell us we’d be in a world of debt. YOU told us that after graduation we’d get a good job with room for career growth. Yet, we’re still in entry-level positions even with a master’s degree. YOU made it seem like buying a house and a car was the next step in life. Yet, we can’t even get approved because our credit is so bad.

I would just like to thank all of our forefathers and fore mothers for properly preparing us to succeed in this capitalistic society. It’s because of each and every one of you that we are labeled the lazy, leeching generation.